Best Dog Breeds for an Apartment

There is a lot to consider when renting an apartment with pets. You might consider many things when thinking about which dog breeds are the best for renting an apartment, like how much noise will they make, how much activity do they need, how long can they be left alone? The good news is that there are many great dog breeds for apartment living. While many think that a small dog is the best fit for an apartment, that is not always the case as small dogs tend to have very high energy levels and can be quite noisy. Consider these apartment-friendly dog breeds when finding the perfect addition to your family.


With an average max height of just over a foot and weighing between 40 and 50 pounds, the English bulldog is a perfect pet for apartment living. These dogs are smaller and very laid-back, making them great for families with children. English bulldogs don’t require a ton of exercise to be happy, making them perfect for those who might not have the time for a long walk or a trip to the park every day. French bulldogs are another great option in the bulldog family, coming in about half the English bulldog’s size.


Corgis are a great apartment pet! Known for being friendly, corgis have short legs making apartment exercise possible for them. This breed is very social and loves having company over and is comfortable on its own when you go to work. Corgis are very playful dogs and love to cuddle, making them a great addition to your family and well-suited for apartment living.

Shih Tzu

Small, calm, and attention-loving dogs, the Shih Tzu was bred to be a lap dog and is one of the perfect pets for apartment living. While they are a great size and temperament for living in an apartment, some training is required early to control potential unnecessary barking. Shih tzu’s make a great apartment companion for those with limited space.

Yorkshire Terrier

Better known as the Yorkie, these small dogs make great pets when living in an apartment. They make for excellent watchdogs and do not require a lot of space to be happy. Proper training and socialization are necessary when they are still a puppy to limit their barking and distrust of new people. These dogs make for great roommates as they don’t shed and are hypoallergenic.


While you might not think of a Greyhound as an apartment dog, they are friendly and calm and do not shed much. Greyhounds are active dogs and do best with active owners; their exercise needs can be met with a daily walk or some time at the park. Because they are so lean and have such a short coat, they do require extra care in colder weather; other than that, there are no worries about having a Greyhound as a pet when you live in an apartment.

Pet-Friendly Apartments for Rent in Madison, Wisconsin

Are you and your furry friend looking to rent an apartment in Madison? Check out these great pet-friendly apartments in Madison. With spacious apartments available for rent, you and your pet are sure to find a beautiful home!

Experience it today!

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