Five Winter Safety Tips for Your Dog

Winter is one of the most beautiful seasons, and you may be tempted to get outside and enjoy it even if it’s cold. While you may enjoy winter, there are dangers that winter presents to your dog. You should be knowledgeable of the risks that winter presents to your dog so you and your furry friend can get out and enjoy the beautiful snowy weather. Here are some tips for keeping your dog safe in the winter.

Never Leave Your Dog Outside

You should never leave your pet outside in winter. While it’s OK to let them outside for a short amount of time to use the bathroom, you should not leave your pet out for an extended period of time. You should minimize the amount of time that your animal spends outside in the winter, but if you take them for a walk and are a short-haired breed, you may want to invest in a sweater or jacket for your dog to help keep them warm. While this may seem unnecessary, this will go a long way in keeping your short-haired dog warm when you take them for a walk this winter.

Wipe Your Dog’s Paws

Wiping your dog’s paws every time they come in from the outside will help keep your apartment clean, and it will also help keep your dog’s paws healthy. When you walk your dog outside in the winter, they are likely to pick up salt from the sidewalk. This salt will actually cause the paws of your dog to dry out and become irritated. To avoid this, you should wipe your dog’s paws after every time they go outside in the winter.

Keep Your Dog Hydrated

The cold temperatures of winter are going to dehydrate your dog just as fast as the heat of summer would. Make sure that your dog’s water dish is always full in the winter. You should use a plastic container in the winter instead of a metal dish to make sure your dog’s tongue does not stick to the metal dish in the cold.

Indoor Puppy Training

If you have just added a new member to your family, it might be best to try training them inside. Puppies are not as resistant to the cold as older dogs; therefore, it might be better to train them inside until the weather gets a little nicer. You can use potty training mats to help your dog train them without sending them out into the cold.

Keep Your Dog in Your Sight

You never want to leave your dog unattended when you’re outside in the winter. There could be any number of dangers that you wouldn’t want your dog to get itself into. For example, if you live by a lake, you wouldn’t want your dog to go swimming in the icy lake. Keep your dog on a leash and within sight of you at all times when you’re out and about during the winter months. Use all of these helpful tips to keep you and your dog safe this winter.

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