Making the Most of Your Laundry Space

Having an in-unit washer and dryer is one of the best amenities your apartment can have. Not only does it save you tons of time going somewhere to wash your clothes, but you also will save tons of money throughout your lease. No matter how small your laundry area is in your apartment, you can use these helpful tips to make the most of it.

Hang it Up

If you have clothes that need to air dry, then you know how frustrating it can be when your laundry room just isn’t big enough. Stop hanging your clothes in the shower or over doors and get yourself a small bar to mount under the cabinets or a pull-out drying rack to save you the hassle of having to find room in your shower or elsewhere for those air-dry only clothes.

Move Over

If you have a small space for your washer and dryer, chances are they are centered within the space. While they are hooked into the wall, you should be able to move your washer and dryer a little bit, and by doing this, you might just give yourself enough room for a shelf or basket to add more organized space to your laundry room.

Make a Shelf

If you have side-by-side front-loading machines, then it is surprisingly easy to make a shelf out of your washer and dryer! Don’t let this valuable space go to waste; you can add a nice piece of wood like a butcher block or some plexiglass on top of your washer and dryer to give you a nice place to fold your clothes or store your laundry supplies like detergent and dryer sheets for easy access.

Raise Your Washer and Dryer

If your ceilings are high enough, raising your washer and dryer is a great way to maximize the space you have available to you. By raising your machines a foot or two, you now have a whole new storage space where you can keep your dirty clothes, socks without their other half, or anything else you might need to make your time spent doing laundry more enjoyable.

Give Your Ironing Board a Home

If you are limited on space in your laundry area, it might be tempting to keep your ironing board somewhere else, like the spare bedroom. Don’t let this take up other valuable space in your apartment, find a pull-out or pull-down ironing board to keep it in your laundry area without taking up too much space.

Luxury Apartments for Rent in Madison, Wisconsin

Find your dream apartment in Madison today. With many luxurious amenities, including in-unit laundry, these stunning modern apartments for rent in Madison are sure to exceed all of your expectations!

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